Reporting Policy
The Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. / LethesHome / LethesHome Apartments reporting channel was established in accordance with current applicable legislation and good corporate practices, reinforcing the positioning with the principles set out in the principles of transparency and ethics.
This channel aims to facilitate the identification of potentially irregular situations or infractions, including real or potential reasonable suspicions, which have occurred or which are considered very likely to occur.
We would like to point out that this channel does not replace the current means of contact for the purposes of “Complaints about the provision of services” – the respective complaint must be sent to the email:
To file a complaint, you must send an email to or send letter to the postal address:
Vianatece Crafts Weaving, Lda
Neiva Industrial Zone, 2nd Phase
4935-232 Neiva,
marked “confidential”.
Whistleblower principles and protection
Independence, impartiality, confidentiality, data protection, secrecy and the absence of conflicts of interest are guaranteed in the processing and analysis of complaints received.
In any situation, the Whistleblower is protected against any form of retaliation, and is given the possibility of filing an anonymous complaint, in accordance with the law.
Who considers themselves a whistleblower?
Any individual who reports or publicly discloses an irregularity or infraction
Who can file a complaint
ClientsEmployeesFormer employeesService providers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, as well as any persons acting under their supervision and directionShareholders, persons belonging to administrative or management bodies or to fiscal or supervisory bodies of Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda., including non-executive membersVolunteers and interns, paid or unpaidOthers
Responsibility for managing the complaint
Complaints will be received by the competent area of Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. which, after registration and classification, will follow up on the processing process, including forwarding to the areas responsible for analyzing and monitoring the process.
The processing, investigation and taking of measures regarding the complaints received is, in accordance with the legislation, the responsibility of Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda., and they are processed through an internal computer platform.
Anonymous Reports
Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. undertakes to respect anonymity in all cases in which the whistleblower wishes to submit an anonymous report, regardless of the detail of the information contained in the report and the possibility of identifying the whistleblower through the facts described. It is clarified that Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. will process all reports, whether anonymous or not, whenever they contain sufficient and relevant material and information to allow investigation. Notwithstanding this processing, all whistleblowers will be notified at the email address through which the report was made. To check the status of the process, you must request it by email, indicating the ID assigned by Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. to your report.
Complaints may be filed in the following areas:
Conflict of InterestsConsumer ProtectionPublic HealthProduct Safety and ComplianceSafety of Food for Human ConsumptionEnvironmental ProtectionProtection of Privacy and Personal DataSecurity of Network and Information SystemsInappropriate ConductMisuse of ResourcesDiscrimination or PrejudiceHarassment (moral or sexual)Fraud and CorruptionMoney Laundering and Terrorist FinancingOthers
We would like to emphasize that all situations not related to the topics described above should be addressed to other communication channels, namely:
Complaints about service provision – via email
Data that must be contained in the whistleblower's email
*What is the relationship with Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda / LethesHome/ LethesHome Apartments?
Employee/Former Employee/Supplier/Customer/Other
*What type of complaint?
Conflict of InterestsConsumer ProtectionPublic HealthProduct Safety and ComplianceSafety of Food for Human ConsumptionEnvironmental ProtectionProtection of Privacy and Personal DataSecurity of Network and Information SystemsInappropriate ConductMisuse of ResourcesDiscrimination or PrejudiceHarassment (moral or sexual)Fraud and CorruptionMoney Laundering and Terrorist FinancingOthers
*The fact has already occurred
Yes or no
*There are witnesses
Yes or no
*How certain are you about the fact you are reporting?
I'm sure/I suspect/I've heard
*Description of the complaint
Personal Data Protection
By sending a complaint email, you declare that you are aware of the conditions under which your personal data is processed, and to that end, you should consult the Privacy Policy.
Also find out about the rules for processing personal data within the scope of the Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda / LethesHome / LethesHome Apartments Reporting Channel.
Vianatece Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. will conduct the reception, investigation and processing of your complaint responsibly, independently and with integrity.